pointers assignment c language

We will practice using pointers, declaring them, making them point to another variable, change the content of the referent, make the pointer point to something else, and write and use a function using pass by reference.

There are three parts to this assignment, though not connected, but should be implemented in the same file to simplify.

  1. Write code for a function that receives two parameters (a,and b) by value and has two more parameters (c and d) by reference. All parameters are double.
    The function works by assigning (a/b) to c and assigning (a*b) to d.

From main, use scanf to get two numbers, then call the function, and then display both returned values to the output in a printf statement.

  1. After part 1 is completed, write code to get 20 integer numbers from the user. The code then displays how many of those numbers are above the numbers average. To get the proper credit you must follow these steps:
  2. write a for loop to fill the array with numbers from the user. Use a pointer
  3. use an index to pass through all array elements to calculate the average in another loop.
  4. write a function, then pass the array, its size, and the average to the function. The function returns the count of the number of elements that are above the average.
  5. Write a function to take a string of no more than 50 characters and a character and returns the count of a letter the user inputs. If the letter is not found, the function returns -1.
    Use the function in main to get two inputs from the user, a sentence and a character, then show the count of that character.

Note: Part 2 is almost the same as your Quiz. Upload only .c no ZIP. Place Part1 and part2 into one file

And part3 in a separate file.

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