Human Services Organizations as Systems

This is a 2 page double spaced paper. 

Explain how systems theory can help administrators understand the relationships between human services organizations and their environments. Provide specific examples of ways administrators might apply systems theory to their work. Finally, explain how leadership and management roles within human services organizations contribute to their overall functioning.

Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.  

•Chapter 1, “Where Your Agency Came From and Where It’s Going” (pp. 2–31) 

•Prequel to Chapter 2, “Meet the Staff Members” (pp. 35–37) 

•Chapter 2, “Concepts, Theories, and Classifications” (pp. 38–65)

 •Chapter 7, “Organizational Culture” (pp. 210–240) 

•Chapter 8, “Leadership, Management, and Governance” (pp. 243–280)

Mulroy, E. A. (2004). Theoretical perspectives on the social environment to guide management and community perspectives: An organization-in-environment approach. Administration in Social Work, 28(1), 77–96.

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