Final Exams for two case studies for counselors/psychology

Need case scenarios done by tomorrow November 31st, 2017 by 3:00 pm (CST) approxiamley 20 hrs from nowplease. I hired a previous tutor and they did not comply.. I am pissed so please do not respond unless you are able to do this, follow instructions to the tee and complete ontime… I will not be easy to deal with since I am pissed off right now..
Here are the instructions: you need to role-play as a counselor for crisis situations and provide interventions and write up 2 case studies. They need to include that of:
1. Clients point of view 2.Engagement of Rapport 3.I statements 4. Clients strengths, goals, and reflection. 5.solution focused interventions, 6.Emotional to logic rational 7. Support systems, including outside resources 8. Self-care 9. Client comittment, 10. Review of the scenario 11. Summary 12. Conclusion.

Basically a written case study done by a counselor. 2-3 pages in length for each case. Seperated..

Here is example to follow somewhat:

Ty for doing this written case study. Any questions please ask!!

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