Below you will find the details to which are suppose to be in my research paper. However, I have the introduction started and attached as title “literature review.” I need to add on additional information as per below. After paper is completed, I will forward paper to my Professor for review prior to submit for an actual grade. So, if changes need to be made, I will send back paper for revisions. Please make sure this is OK with you.



  __ Typed using 12-point Times New Roman font

__ Correct spelling and grammar

__ Clear and concise description of study (i.e., understandable and not too wordy)

__ Double space throughout

__ Use of 1.0 inch margins on all sides

__ NO right justification

__ Page number in upper right corner of header for all pages

__10 references cited and used throughout paper

__I am not sure how many words, however, at least 12 pages. The paper needs to have 10 references 


Title Page  

__ Title length: 12 words or less

__ Title, name, affiliation centered on page

__ Running head less than 50 characters (including spaces)

__ Running head in all caps flush left (i.e., left justified) at top of page inside header

__ Words ‘Running head’ only on title page (actual running head on all others)

__ Page number in upper right corner of page

__ Page number 5 spaces to the right of the short title/page header


__ A brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article

__ Should allow reader to survey the contents of the article quickly

__ Accurate, self-contained, concise, and specific

__ Approximately 120-150 words

__ Describe the problem under investigation (in one sentence if possible)

__ Identify pertinent participant/subject characteristics (number, who they were, etc.)

__ Brief description of method

__ Identify results, including statistical significance (Note: Do NOT report actual statistics)

__ Identify conclusions and their implications


__ Begin section with title of paper centered on the line not in bold

__ Using past research, provide a logical argument for the premise of your study

__ Introduce the problem

__ Develop the background: review past research and describe relevant theory

__ Demonstrate logical continuity between past research and the present study (i.e., include transitions )

__ In closing paragraph of Introduction: describe your study (i.e., identify variables, hypotheses, expected    results)


__ Describe in detail how the study was conducted

__ Should be broken down into subsections

__ Identify participants/subjects (i.e., how many, how recruited, from what population)

__ Identify design: independent/predictor and dependent/criterion variables, operational definitions, type of design

__ Describe procedure so specifically that the study could be replicated

__ Describe any measures, materials, and/or apparatus used

__ The word “Method” is centered and in bold on the line at the start of the section

  Results (what we expect, our outcome)  

__ Summarize the data collected and the statistical treatment of them

__ The word “Results” is centered and in bold on the line at the start of the section


__ Evaluate and interpret your results

__ Open discussion section with a clear statement of support or non-support for your original hypothesis(es)

__ Discuss similarities and differences between your results and the work of others (i.e., are your results consistent with previous work in this area?)

__ DO NOT simply reformulate and repeat points already made; each new statement should contribute to your conclusions

__ Discuss implications of the study outcomes

__ Identify limitations to the study (i.e., critique of the study)

__ Outline future research areas made relevant by the findings of the study you conducted

__ The word “Discussion” is centered and in bold on the line at the start of the section


__ Begin on a new page

__ The word “References” is centered at top of page not in bold

__ APA style


__ Alphabetical order by author’s last name 

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