Unit1 Discussion1
Disscussion Assignment
The beginning of a graduate program is full of excitement about new beginnings as well as future possibilities.
To help you get to know your cohorts and begin your journey of exploring your career paths and future in the field of psychology,
begin by sharing your passions and interests. Respond to the following questions:
What is most exciting to you about studying psychology?
What do you hope to achieve by pursuing graduate work in psychology?
What is your purpose at this moment in time? If you feel comfortable, please share your purpose statement from the Articulating Your Purpose activity.
What are you willing to do to make yourself successful in your degree program and your career in psychology?
What were your results on the Time Management Action Plan and did they surprise you? As you examine your life,
what adjustments do you think you will need to make to succeed in your studies?
How does the University Policy 4.02.02: Learner Code of Conduct (given in the resources) apply to you as a learner,
as you are starting the course and your new path? What does it really mean?
Also, take this opportunity to introduce your academic and professional background and any thoughts you have about your orientation experience.
Read the Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions document (given in the resources) to learn how the instructor will evaluate your
discussion participation throughout this course.
Note: In your discussion posts and responses, be sure to follow the Learner Code of Conduct, the Professional Communications and Writing Guide,
APA style standards, and the rules of grammar. Your response should be filled with as much detail as possible, 300 words in length at the least, and you should support your answers with facts and references
should be cited in APA 6th edition format.
Identifying Your Priorities
My values and priorities are clear to me.
My goals and schedule reflect my priorities.
I devote most of my time to the things that are most important and spend the least amount of time on things that are least important.
I keep distractions to a minimum when focusing on my priorities.
I keep my commitments.
You have strong skills in this area.
Setting Goals
Completing my degree program is an important academic goal.
I can break down my long-term academic goal into short-term goals.
My short-term goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
My current academic goals are exciting to me.
I have shared my academic goals with the important people in my life.
You have strong skills in this area.
Planning and Scheduling
I know how much time I spend on individual commitments and responsibilities each week.
I assess the rigors of my courses each quarter and make scheduling adjustments as needed.
My current schedule reflects my goals and priorities.
I use a planner, wall calendar, organizer, PDA, computer program, or some other visible means to plan out my tasks and schedule.
I break down larger projects and assignments into smaller manageable tasks and fill them into my schedule.
I have a strategy for how to talk about reducing my personal and professional responsibilities in other areas to free up time for my studies.
You have strong skills in this area.
Addressing Challenges and Finding Support
I can be flexible and make changes in my schedule as unexpected events unfold.
I can balance my professional and personal commitments with the added responsibility of school.
I know what to do and who to call at Capella in case something unexpected comes up.
I have a support system in place to help me.
I reach out to my academic advisor, instructor, and fellow classmates.
I do not put things off until the last minute to ensure I complete my work in a timely manner.
I remind myself about my academic goals to help me stay motivated with school.
I am aware of when I’m most productive during the day.
I have a strategy for how to talk about reducing my personal and professional responsibilities in other areas to free up time for my studies.
You have strong skills in this area.
University Policy 4.02.02
Capella University learners are expected to conduct themselves in a manner guided by respect,
collegiality, honesty, and ethical behavior as part of their academic development. Learner
conduct that infringes on the quality of such an educational experience is not acceptable. This
policy describes the types of conduct that are deemed prohibited and unacceptable. (Separate
university policies address academic honesty and discrimination, harassment, and assault. For
further details, see university policies 3.01.01 Academic Integrity and Honesty and 4.02.04
Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault.) This policy also serves as Capella’s tool to combat
impersonation, identity theft, text mining, and/or creation of fictitious identities in an effort to
secure access to federal funds.
Prohibited learner conduct includes but is not limited to the following: complicity, dishonesty,
disruptive conduct, disrespect, document forgery, illegal activity, impersonation, text mining,
and theft, as described in the definitions section of this policy.
This policy sets a high standard of conduct for members of the university community that
reflects Capella University’s values of human potential, achievement, decisive collaboration,
innovation, and integrity. This policy also reflects Capella’s philosophy of resolving issues at
the most direct level and in the most equitable way possible, and defines the appropriate terms
and procedures required to meet these standards.
Complicity is helping, procuring, encouraging, and/or cooperating with another person in the
commission of a violation of the learner code of conduct.
Dishonesty is intentionally providing false information or forging, altering, or falsifying
university documents. Learners may not misrepresent their academic record or status (which
includes referring to oneself publicly as “doctor” prior to the conferral of an earned doctoral
Dismissal is a university-initiated permanent separation of a learner from the university and is
noted on the learner’s official academic transcript.
Disrespect is harassing, threatening, or embarrassing others. Learners may not post, transmit,
communicate, promote, or distribute content that is racially, religiously, or ethnically offensive
or is harmful, abusive, vulgar, sexually explicit, or otherwise offensive or discriminatory.
Learners are expected to behave in an appropriate manner and treat other learners and university
faculty, staff, and administrators with respect at all times.
Disruptive Conduct
Disruptive conduct is engaging or participating in an activity that interferes with teaching,
administration, and other university functions, whether in the online course environment or at a
university-sponsored event (e.g., residency and commencement). Examples of disruptive
conduct include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Threatening or belligerent language, posturing, physical acts, or gestures
2. Vulgar or offensive language or gestures
3. Bullying or cyber-bullying
4. Disturbance of public peace
5. Lewd or indecent language or behavior
6. Inciting others to engage in disruptive conduct
This list of examples of disruptive conduct is not exhaustive, and Capella reserves the right to
determine whether behavior constitutes disruptive conduct on a case-by-case basis.
Document Forgery
Forging documents is falsifying any document or evidence required for admission to the
university, completion of a course or examination, or receipt of any other university-related
privilege or benefit, whether in print or electronic form.
Illegal Activity
Illegal activity is any behavior that results in a criminal conviction.
Impersonation is assuming the identity of another.
Prohibited Conduct
Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to complicity, dishonesty, disruptive conduct,
disrespect, document forgery, illegal activity, impersonation, text mining, or theft.
A sanction is disciplinary action that may result from prohibited conduct. Disciplinary action
may include one or more of the following: non-acceptance of work submitted; failing grade on
an assignment; lowered grade for a course; failing grade in a course; formal, written warning;
suspension from the university; dismissal from the university; and cancellation of a previouslyawarded
academic credit or degree. This list of possible sanctions is not exhaustive, and Capella
University reserves the right to assign sanctions on a case-by-case basis.
Summary Suspension
Summary suspension is the immediate suspension of a learner in cases involving egregious
violation of the learner code of conduct. Summary suspension is a temporary status during
which a learner is denied access to the courseroom and prohibited from engaging in university
activities while an evaluation of the prohibited conduct is being completed.
Suspension is a university-initiated temporary status during which a learner is denied access to
the courseroom and prohibited from engaging in university activities until stated conditions have
been met.
Text Mining
Text mining is analyzing and then synthesizing information from electronic documents, email
messages, and other free-form text written by others as a way to create summary content of
written work that is presented as one’s own for the express purpose of seeking an advantage in
completing one’s academic assignment and/or work.
Theft is taking property that is not one’s own or posting, transmitting, promoting, or distributing
content that violates copyright or other protected intellectual property rights. Unauthorized use
of university property is prohibited. Theft and abuse of computer resources is prohibited.
Written Warning
A written warning may result from engaging in prohibited conduct; it describes certain
conditions learners must meet to continue to have access to the courseroom.
I. Reporting Suspected Prohibited Conduct
A. Anyone may report an instance of alleged prohibited conduct.
B. The alleged prohibited conduct should be reported verbally or in writing to any
member of the university’s faculty, staff, or administration.
C. The university faculty, staff, or administration member will report the alleged
prohibited conduct verbally or in writing to his or her supervisor. Should the alleged
prohibited conduct occur during a university-sponsored activity or event (e.g.,
residency), the faculty, staff, or administration member will have the authority to
report it to the event manager directly associated with the activity or event.
D. The individual receiving the report of the alleged prohibited conduct will bring it to
the attention of the university official directly associated with the activity or event.
II. Initial Resolution Process
Whenever possible, instances of alleged prohibited conduct should be resolved at the
discretion of the university official directly associated with the activity or event during
which the alleged prohibited conduct occurred.
A. The university official responsible for the activity or event during which the alleged
prohibited conduct occurred will review the circumstances surrounding the alleged
prohibited conduct to determine the appropriate action for the situation.
1. The university official will contact the learner to notify him or her of the alleged
prohibited conduct.
2. The learner will be given the opportunity to explain or refute the alleged
prohibited conduct.
3. The university official will issue a decision.
a. If no further action is required, the university official will notify the learner
via email of his or her decision and indicate that the matter is resolved.
b. If further action is required, the university official will notify the learner of the
next steps in the process and include copies of any relevant university
B. The university official will forward a copy of the decision notification and any
evidence of the prohibited conduct to the appropriate school designee to be filed in
the learner’s official academic record.
C. The learner has the right to appeal the university official’s decision, as described in
section V.
III. Summary Suspension
A. In cases of an allegation of an egregious act of prohibited conduct; or in the case of
prohibited conduct that suggests a threat of danger to any Capella faculty, staff,
employee, contractor, or learner; a learner may be immediately suspended through
this summary suspension process if it appears that the allegation of prohibited
conduct is substantiated. The university official directly associated with the course,
activity, or event in which the prohibited conduct occurs, has the discretion to
determine, consistent with this section, when summary suspension is appropriate.
B. If a summary suspension is issued, the university official directly associated with the
activity or event during which the alleged prohibited conduct occurred should
promptly notify the learner of his or her summary suspension and his or her right to
be heard by submitting a written response and/or responding by telephone within
seven calendar days from the date said notification is issued.
C. The university official directly associated with the activity or event during which the
prohibited conduct occurred will complete the procedures described in sections II.A
and II.B of this policy within 10 calendar days of issuing the notification of summary
D. The learner may submit a written request for extension of time for his or her written
or telephone response beyond the seven calendar day deadline described in section
III.B of this policy. These extensions will automatically be granted for up to a
maximum of 30 calendar days. However, in the event the learner exercises his or her
right to an extension, the deadline for the university official’s decision described in
section III.C of this policy will be extended for the same duration as the learner’s
extension, with the summary suspension remaining in effect the entire time.
E. Outcome
1. In the event that the university official determines that prohibited conduct
occurred, the process continues as described in section II of this policy, with the
suspension remaining in place unless and until a review panel or the president’s
designee overturns the suspension as described in sections IV and V of this
2. In the event that the university official finds no prohibited conduct, or in the event
that no decision is issued by the university official within the time constraints
described in sections III.C and III.D of this policy, the summary suspension will
expire and the learner will return to his or her status previous to the summary
a. In this instance, the learner will have an opportunity to complete the missed
coursework within 10 calendar days of returning to the courseroom without
b. If the learner was in the last two weeks of the course, he or she has the option
of receiving an Incomplete (“I”) grade; in that case, the coursework must be
completed and submitted no later than two weeks after the course ends; or
c. The learner may choose to withdraw from the course and retake the course
without financial penalty or any penalty for reusing work previously
submitted to fulfill assignments for that specific course.
IV. Code of Conduct Review
A. Review by Independent Panel
1. The university convenes independent panels for two distinct purposes under this
a. Of its own accord and without prompting from faculty or a learner, the
university may elect to review reports of prohibited conduct through an
independent university panel that will convene to review evidence related to
the report of prohibited conduct beyond a single course; and
b. Upon a learner’s appeal from a decision described in sections II.B or III.C of
this policy, a university panel will convene to consider the appeal. The
procedures for this appeal are described in section IV.B of this policy.
2. Regardless of whether the panel is convened under section IV.A.1.a or IV.A.1.b
of this policy, the panel will do the following:
a. Undertake a full investigation and review of the learner, including his or her
history and prior conduct. In all cases, and even in the event of a proceeding
under section IV.A.1.b of this policy, the panel shall not be limited to the
specific conduct at issue in any faculty’s decision to sanction; and
b. Maintain the right to determine the appropriate sanction, if any. In all cases,
and even in the event of a proceeding under section IV.A.1.b of this policy, a
panel’s sanction may be more or less severe than any prior sanction assessed
to the learner, at the panel’s discretion.
3. Upon initiation of the code of conduct review described in section IV.A.1.a or
IV.A.1.b of this policy, the panel designee will acknowledge receipt of the request
and inform all involved parties that a review by an independent panel has been
B. Within 10 calendar days of being sent notification that a formal resolution process has
been initiated, all involved parties must submit information regarding the matter to
the panel designee. This information must include the following:
1. The individual(s) against whom the alleged prohibited conduct is directed.
2. A brief description of the alleged prohibited conduct, including the date(s),
time(s), and place(s).
3. Any efforts to resolve the matter during the initial resolution process.
4. The corrective action the learner is seeking.
C. Following referral of the matter, the panel will convene to review the materials and
issue a decision as soon as practicable.
1. The panel will investigate all evidence supporting and/or refuting the alleged
prohibited conduct, the learner’s complete academic record, any further issues
surrounding the alleged prohibited conduct, and the school’s response.
2. The panel will provide adequate opportunity to hear from all involved parties and
for each party to state his or her respective case in writing. Upon request, either
party will be provided the opportunity to appear before the panel, either in person
or via telephone.
3. Upon evaluation of the evidence and hearing from all involved parties, the panel
will issue a decision and deliver the resolution for implementation.
4 In cases of policy violation, the panel will determine the appropriate sanction,
which may include a written warning, suspension, or in cases of serious and/or
repeated prohibited conduct, dismissal from the university.
5. The panel designee will report the panel’s decision to all involved parties as soon
as practicable. A record of the panel’s decision and sanction will become part of
the learner’s official academic record.
6. Both parties have the right to appeal the panel’s decision, as described in section
V. Formal Appeal Process
If either party chooses to appeal the panel’s decision, he or she must submit a formal,
written appeal request to the president’s designee. The appeal request must be submitted
via mail or email and within 10 calendar days of being sent notification of the panel’s
A. Upon receiving the appeal request, the president’s designee will acknowledge receipt
of the request and inform all involved parties that a formal appeal process has been
B. The president’s designee will receive and review the record developed during the
formal resolution process. In addition, at his or her sole discretion, the president’s
designee may accept or reject any evidence not presented at the formal resolution
process stage.
C. Following the review, the president’s designee will issue a decision and report it to all
involved parties as soon as practicable. The decision will do one of the following: a)
uphold the findings of the panel, b) reverse the findings of the panel, c) direct the
panel to provide additional information, or d) the president’s designee will determine
his or her own findings. In the event the president’s designee requests additional
information from the panel, the involved parties will be notified of a revised time
frame for the determination of the grievance.
D. In the event the president’s designee reverses the findings of the panel:
1. The learner will have an opportunity to complete the missed coursework within
10 calendar days of returning to the courseroom, without penalty.
2. If the learner was in the last two weeks of the course, he or she has the option of
receiving an Incomplete (“I”) grade and must complete and submit the
coursework no later than two weeks after the course ends; or
3. The learner may choose to withdraw from the course and retake the course
without financial penalty or any penalty for reusing work previously submitted to
fulfill assignments for that specific course.
E. The decision of the president’s designee is final. Matters that have been reviewed and
have received a final decision under this policy are not eligible for further review
under another policy.
F. A record of the final decision and all related materials will become part of the
learner’s official academic record and, upon request, will be made available to all
Capella University boards and any appropriate regulatory bodies.