The following articles detail some of the practices the NSA uses to monitor traffic on the great transatlantic cables that link the Internet between countries and continents.
- The Creepy, Long-Standing Practice of Undersea Cable Tapping
- Cutting the Cord: Brazil’s Bold Plan to Combat the NSA
- Brazil, Europe Plan Undersea Cable to Skirt U.S. Spying
Provide a two-page summary of these articles that also answers the following:
- What was Operation Ivy Bells?
- What is the significance of tapping into underwater cables?
- What techniques does the NSA use to access underwater cables?
- What is Brazil’s concern with the NSA?
- What are Brazil’s plans to distance itself from the Internet infrastructure?
- How feasible is this?
- What implications does this have for the future of the Internet?
- What are you opinions on the NSA practices and global response to them?