Sociology class discussio post

Joel Best Book – Chapters 3-5Catie Brooks No unread replies. No replies. *Due: Sunday, March 5 by 11:59PM
1. Read Best Chapters 3, pages 66-98, then discuss the following with your classmates:
How do frames, resource mobilization and opportunities reinforce one another in constructing the claims in your chosen social problem? How have social and news media been used to spread information and frame the problem? Be specific! 

2. Read Best’s Chapters 4-5, pages 99-164, then discuss the following with your classmates:
– Go to the link for The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy (Link (Links to an external site.) ) and peruse their website, watching one of their TED talks or reading some reports about animal welfare and science. How does this organization use experts to earn validity for their cause? Are there some audiences who might be put off by this type of expert or by the very idea that animals could be scientifically compared with humans? Could their plan backfire?
– What other organizations use Kimmela’s expert claims in their advocacy? Have any of these experts been promoted in global, national or local news media and if so, or if not, do you think bias toward or against this cause is at all responsible? Explain.
– Does anyone “own” the cause of animal rights? Support your argument and provide support, or discuss why it is not owned and what organizations might play a role, what their hierarchy is and how their ideologies and tactics might differ.
– Boxes 5.2-5.6 (pages140-155) shows how infotainment and social media can skew the way we look at a social problem (or create one that is less prevelant than a similar, more pervasive problem). Can you think of an example of a social issue or problem that has been treated in a similar fashion?

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