self assessment questionnaire for constructive thought focused strategies questionnaire is attached
Make your your submitted word document has a heading at the top including your name, course number, and date. Follow the instructions below and complete the attached questionnaire. Answer the following questions:
- What were your scores and what do they indicate?
- What insight did you gain through this questionnaire ? Please be specific in your answer.
- Assuming you have gained a new insight about yourself, will this new self-knowledge encourage you to modify any behavioral tendencies you have.
Your post should be no less than one page (as measured by Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12 point font.)
Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Creating the Self-Motivating Situation
Take a few moments to assess your own tendencies regarding the use of constructive thought strategies by responding to the statements in Self-Leadership Questionnaire 3. For each of the nine statements, select the number that best describes your position. Follow the directions provided for scoring your responses.
Calculate your scores.
Your scores for A through C suggest your current tendencies concerning several constructive thought–focused self-leadership strategies that will be addressed in this chapter. Your score for each of these strategies could range from 3 (a total absence of the strategy in your current self-leadership) to 15 (a very high level of the strategy in your current self-leadership). Your scores on A through C can be interpreted as follows:
- A score of 3 or 4 indicates a very low level of the strategy.
- A score of 5 to 7 indicates a low level of the strategy.
- A score of 8 to 10 indicates a moderate level of the strategy.
- A score of 11 to 13 indicates a high level of the strategy.
- A score of 14 or 15 indicates a very high level of the strategy.
Each of the strategies addressed by the questionnaire should generally contribute to personal performance and effectiveness. Therefore, high scores on A through C suggest a high level of self-leadership, which offers potential to enhance performance. Each of the specific strategies is discussed in more detail throughout the remainder of the chapter.
Your score on X indicates your overall use of the self-leadership strategies. This score could range from a low of 9 to a high of 45. Your score on X can be interpreted as follows:
- A score of 9 to 16 indicates a very low level of the strategy.
- A score of 17 to 24 indicates a low level of the strategy.
- A score of 25 to 31 indicates a moderate level of the strategy.
- A score of 32 to 39 indicates a high level of the strategy.
- A score of 40 to 45 indicates a very high level of the strategy
In general, a high score on X suggests that you possess some positive constructive thought tendencies. Your score on X reflects what you believe are your current constructive thought tendencies. Regardless of your score, the remainder of this chapter is designed to help you implement and improve upon several constructive thought–focused self-leadership strategies. This chapter will provide you with a basis for better understanding and more effectively using the power of positive thoughts.