review the bad frog brewery v new york liquor authority case a summary is in the textbook

Review the Bad Frog Brewery v. New York Liquor Authority case. A summary is in the textbook. Here’s a link to a related article: Link (Links to an external site.)

Answer the questions below. Be sure to respond to another student.

1. Do businesses have a constitutionally protected right to free speech in their commercial endeavors? If so, is their level of protection equal to, less than or greater than the protection given to political speech?

2) Do you agree that the state had a substantial interest in prohibiting use the Bad Frog label to “protect children”? Why or why not?

3) The court said that banning the labels went too far, and that less restrictive alternatives can be used. List alternatives you can think of.

4) Would the result be the same if the logo was to be used on the packaging of a toy marketed to children?

5) Respond to another student’s post for questions 2, 3 and 4.

6) Be sure to include headings of the question being asked, followed by your response.

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