quiz 3 study guide
BACS: 232: Ethical and Professional Responsibility
Quiz 3 Study Guide
- What is the purpose of Clinical Supervision?
- What are the responsibilities of a clinical supervisor?
- What are does the ACA Code of Ethics state regarding clinical supervisor and supervisee relationships?
- What does the informed consent process in clinical supervision entail and why is it important?
- What is multicultural supervision?
- What are some signs of an impaired supervisor?
- What should be included in the clinical supervision contract with supervisees?
- What are some reasons why a counselor would refer a client for a medical evaluation?
- What is the primary factor contributing to psychotherapy outcomes?
- What is evidence based practice?
- How does one become competent to work with couples and families?
- Why would a counselor apply a “no secrets†policy when working with couples?
- What role does diversity play in family therapy?
- What is included in the informed consent for group therapy?
- Groups are a catalyst for client______?
- When are groups a powerful intervention tool?
- What are some drawbacks to co-leadership models of group therapy?
- What are multiple role relationships in supervision and when do these occur?
- Why do some counselors argue against giving client’s a DSM-5 diagnosis?
- Why should counselors have a clear understanding of the technique they employ in counseling?