prepare below mentioned charts graphs using given data sets

Bar Plot: (Use dataset_price_personal_computers.csv)

  • Plot the ram sold in the computers.
  • Breakout how the computer screen sizes based on the ram.
  • Position the computer screen sizes side by side.
  • Drilldown the dataset further based on premium.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

Histogram: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_indonesia.csv)

  • Plot the distribution of the wages of the rice production. (Use a binwidth = 5)
  • Breakout the land status of ownership.
  • Drilldown the dataset further based on the varieties of rice produced.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

Box Plot: (Use dataset_tipping_data.csv)

  • Plot the Day vs Tip of the meals.
  • Breakout the time of day.
  • Drilldown the dataset further based on gender.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_edgar_anderson_iris_data.csv)

  • Plot the petal length vs petal width of the flowers.
  • Breakout the species of the flowers.
  • Drilldown the dataset further based on the species.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

Please put all screen shots in a MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format).

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