Physical and Mental Illness( Heart Disease)
APA format with a minimum 250 words
Include at lease 2 references, 1 from Henslin, James M. Social Problems: A Down to earth Aproach, 8 th Edition.After reviewing Figure 10.9 attached, discuss your reactions. Is it surprising to you that heart disease is the current leading cause of death in the United States? What are some of the ways society, and pressures in society, might contribute to individuals getting heart disease?The environmental hypothesis, as mentioned in the chapter, discusses the fact that people in lower social classes may have more mental illness (sadness, depression, and anxiety) because of their environment. The hypothesis claims this is the case due to more stress associated with things like money, physical health, and violence. Do you think the environment of those in a lower social class contributes to more mental illness? Explain. What, if anything, can human services professionals do about this?