Philosophy – Intro to Logic Forum: Current Events This Forum is about living an informed life that ties into the course description (The analysis of language as an instrument of sound thinking in morals, politics, and everyday life). I want to know want t

Philosophy – Intro to Logic

Forum: Current Events

This Forum is about living an informed life that ties into the course description (The analysis of language as an instrument of sound thinking in morals, politics, and everyday life). I want to know want topics/issues are of concern/interest to you and your generation.

Part of this class requires students to interact with each other. Otherwise it is just a class environment with you and me and no peers. I need to see interaction for the whole term. You need to have


Example : This is your class. What do you want to talk about?  I read the Sunday Los Angeles Times and I enjoy the First (Main) section because it contains the Editorials and Opinion (OP-ED) section along with Letters to the editor. I read the BUSINESS section because it reflects changes in the economy. I read the CALIFORNIA section because it has history articles and I am always looking for articles on water issues in Southern California. Also, I read the ARTS & BOOKS section because it is very informative about current Art exhibits and book reviews are so educational. This Forum is for students to lead the class in current events discussions.

Read an article in a newspaper or news magazine that has to do with current events of interest to you or about the course topics.

This Forum is a way to demonstrate your involvement in the course. 

For a Current Events post, complete the following:

• first, summarize the story 55+ words;

• then, write your reflections on it 250+ words;

• and give the source (web link or copy of article, documentation)




-1 page

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