Personal Leadership Philosophies

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.

To Prepare:

· Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

· Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.

· Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

· A description of your core values

· A personal mission/vision statement

· An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile

· A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen

· A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.

· Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.

Remember to think about the feedback you received on previous assignments such as avoiding excessive first person language, direct quotes, and personal opinions that are not supported with scholarly references.

Required Readings

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

· Chapter 1, “Expert Clinician to Transformational Leader in a Complex Health Care Organization: Foundations” (pp. 7–20 ONLY)

· Chapter 6, “Frameworks for Becoming a Transformational Leader” (pp. 145–170)

· Chapter 7, “Becoming a Leader: It’s All About You” (pp. 171–194)

Duggan, K., Aisaka, K., Tabak, R. G., Smith, C., Erwin, P., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Implementing administrative evidence-based practices: Lessons from the field in six local health departments across the United States. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3. Retrieved from

Resources for the StrengthsFinder Assessment Tool

Strengths Finder: Gallup. (2018). Retrieved from
Top 5 Signature Themes of Talent

Doing a strengthsfinder assessment has helped me understand my strengths and behaviors. My own top 5 strengths are:

1. Restorative: adept at dealing with problems and good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.

2. Responsibility: take psychological ownership of what they say they will do and are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.

3. Learner: great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

4. Connectedness: have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

5. Relator: enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.

Strengths and characteristics

Based on the feedback from the StrengthsFinder assessment, this writer will seek to improve on responsibility and restorative strengths. Improving my responsibility strength will enact a more thorough and further depict my devotedness in doing what i have promised. More so, as a leader, others will regard me as reliable and trustworthy due to the fact that I have established a reputation for fulfilling my commitments. According to Gallup (2019), people who have responsibility talent, have a strong sense of commitment and it motivate them to make sure that things are carried through to completion even when difficulties arise. Being a model for your team members is vital and most people regard you as the dependable and reliable one. As a leader, when you do your best you will get the best from your team in return (Meliniotis, 2015).

Additionally improving my restorative strength will let me be able to offer people useful suggestions about what needs to be fixed, upgraded, renovated, or done better (Gallup, 2019). Leader need to develop restorative strategies which will enable them to assess challenges, help resolve differences and solve problems. As a leader once you’ve identified a problem, proper conflict resolution is required. You need to be comfortable with confrontation so you derail problems before they get out of hand. A great nurse needs to have excellent communication skills, especially when it comes to speaking, listening and problem solving. So improving my communication characteristic trait will be beneficial especially when dealing with my patients and families.

Core values

Core value reminds us about the ability to talk with others, to work through differences, and to create opportunities for such discourse are important toward achieving better outcomes (Bent-Goodley, 2017). Applying nurse core values in all your actions ensures the trust put in your hands by your patients. The two core values I will like to strengthen are integrity and dignity. The core value of integrity focus on the importance of truth and morality in each interaction. As a nurse, it is vital that this ethical value be adhered to without it, people will not trust what is being said or done regardless of the intention. Improvements in the dignity core value means that all people should be treated with respect and have the right to determine their decisions. As a nurse, it is imperative for me to help people to find their voices and change their situations, and support them in the process. Each person should be valued, respected, and met with civility and care (Bent-Goodley, 2017).


Bent-Goodley, T. B. (2017). Living Our Core Values. Social Work, 62(4), 293. Retrieved from

Catherine Meliniotis (2015). Effective Nursing Leadership. Retrieved from

Gallup. (2019).Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0. Retrieved from

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