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  Mindfulness is an unique approach to mental health that has rapidly caught the attention among many health care professionals. (Rajeski. 2008). I have a bad problem with overthinking , so my mind tends to be everywhere. I forget about the little things around me and never take a time to sit  and look . The thing that actually makes me more mindful of things in my life is dance. When I’m dancing I am in a different space . I love being in tune with the body and moving around , it takes my mind off everything . When i am not dancing , another way I am mindful in my life is by praying. It is my meditation that I participate in every morning. I feel connected with God and not alone; at peace. 


Gladding, St., & Newsome . D.W(2010) Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community Agency Settings.Upper Saddie River, NJ;Pearson Education.

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