Investigate if social-economic status and environment factors influence tobacco use and dependence amongst adults and teens in New Hampshire

Final Research Paper: Investigate if social-economic status and environment factors influence tobacco use and dependence amongst adults and teens in New Hampshire

This paper should be a summary of your work you have developed this semester: the significance of your identified problem, a review of the published literature (your summary grid findings), a selected theoretical framework (from discussion board posting), and conclusions that reflect synthesis and significance of all your findings. It is NOT an itemized listing of specific studies found, but a general summary of your findings.

Requirements: 9 pages, with at least 10 reference, with 5 being primary sources. in APA format. Please use the following reference articles.

Wills, T. A., Knight, R., Williams, R. J., Pagano, I., &   Sargent, J. D. (2015). Risk factors for exclusive e-cigarette use and dual   e-cigarette use and tobacco use in adolescents. Pediatrics135(1),   e43-e51.

Rooke, C., Cunningham-Burley, S., & Amos, A. (2016).   Smokers’ and ex-smokers’ understanding of electronic cigarettes: a   qualitative study. Tobacco control25(e1), e60-e66.

Hiscock, R., Bauld, L., Amos, A., &   Platt, S. (2012). Smoking and socioeconomic status in England: the rise of   the never smoker and the disadvantaged smoker. Journal of Public   Health34(3) 390-396.

Khuder, S., Price, J., Jordan, T., Khuder, S., & Silvestri,   K. (2008). Cigarette smoking among adolescents in Northwest Ohio: correlates   of prevalence and age at onset. International journal of   environmental research and public health5(4), 278-289.

Hossain, A., Hossain, Q. Z., & Rahman, F. (2015). Factors   influencing teenager to initiate smoking in South-west Bangladesh. Universal   Journal of Public Health3(6), 241-250.

Jamal, A., Homa, D. M., O’Connor, E., Babb, S. D., Caraballo, R. S., Singh, T., … & King, B. A. (2015). Current cigarette smoking among adults—the United States, 2005– 2014. Morbidity and mortality weekly report64(44), 1233-1240. []

Marshall, J. R., Lotfipour, S., & Chakravarthy, B. (2016).Growing Trend of Alternative Tobacco Use Among the Nation’s Youth: A New Generation of Addicts. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine17(2), 139.

Ulrich John, C. M.-J. (n.d.). Strength of the Relationship between Tobacco Smoking, Nicotine Dependence and the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome Criteria in a Population Based Sample. Retrieved 09 10, 2019, from Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 38, Issue 6, November 2003, Pages 606–612: []

New Hampshire, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2011.

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. (2018). Tobacco prevention and

cessation program. Retrieved from

New Hampshire Public Health Services. (2017). Public Health Advisory. Retrieved from

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