hosp3075 hotel strategic marketing and brand management

don’t need the ppt

the hotel need to be the W hotel in New York time square

New Marketing Communications

  • Please select and describe the target market that you will focus on in this section. Include reasons why you chose this market with supporting materials such as statistics, charts, graphs, or interview quotes. Do you want business from this target market year-round, during peak season, or during slow season? Please identify the target market. Is it meeting business, accommodations, or both, or other (golf, tennis, athletic club, etc)?
  • Create three new marketing communications methods, as described below, for the chosen hotel and market. These methods should reflect and round out the brand’s Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategy.
  • Your Choice: Design another marketing communication method for your brand. Identify the type (advertising, sales promotion, or one of the others). Describe it in detail, and explain why your idea is a strong addition to the company’s IMC and how it will build brand equity. Also explain what your brand resonance goal is for the target market.
  • Experience Marketing: Design an experience marketing campaign for your market (review Chapter 5 for ideas). Describe it in detail. Also explain what your brand resonance goal is for the target market (Chapter 3).
  • Secondary Brand Association: Design a new secondary brand association (Review Chapter 7 for ideas). I’m not giving you a budget limit, so be bold! Describe it in detail, and explain how you will communicate the association to your customers. Also explain what your brand resonance goal is.

new marketing communication’s idea according to the ppt you may also have your own point. need to have the resource and citied include

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