his 240 ww1 milestone 2 rough draft
“Submit a copy of your Final Project Rough Draft. Each critical element should be represented in the rough draft, but it does not need to be fully fleshed out. It is understood that this paper is still taking shape. Your instructor will provide you with feedback and you should incorporate this feedback into your final submission.”
“Overview: In Module Five, you will submit a rough draft of your final paper. This rough draft should be at least 4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) out of the total minimum 6–8 pages for the final paper, formatted according to Turabian style, and include at least 4 scholarly resources that you will use in writing your final paper. The rough draft will include the same elements as the final paper, but will not go into as much detail.”
-Times New Roman, Double Spaced, 12 point font, Cited Chicago/Turabian style-
Topic: The Use of Propaganda in WWI
Attached is my Milestone 1 approved topic proposal , the guidelines and rubric for milestone 2, also below are two provided recommended links for acquiring scholarly resources.