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a-One point perspective is a system to assist in realistically representing a three-dimensional scene on a two-dimensional surface. Using lines that radiate from one point known as a vanishing point on the horizon line. One point perspective differs from two-point and three-point perspectives in that there is only one vanishing point. two-point perspective, two vanishing points are placed on the horizon line. These two points should be spaced out from each other to prevent distortion. The vanishing points don’t need to be inside the picture plane, just as long as they are found on the horizon line. Which continues off of the picture plane in both directions. In a three-point perspective, all lines recede toward one of the three vanishing points. Those three vanishing points make the biggest difference between three-point and the other kinds of perspective drawing. Two vanishing points are along the horizon, just like in two-point, but the third vanishing point is located either above the horizon or below the horizon, depending on the area you want to draw. A bird’s-eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird. These often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans, and maps. It can be an aerial photograph, but also a drawing. A worm’s-eye view, the opposite of a bird’s-eye view, is a view of an object from below. As though the observer were a worm. It can be used to look up to something to make an object look tall, strong, and mighty while the viewer feels child-like or powerless. Atmospheric perspective can create the illusion of space and dimension in your art. Whether a vast landscape or intimate still life. Here are five effects used in the rendering perspective. Which you easily can incorporate into your work.
b-Perspective drawings are made by using a method of representing space and dimension of an object in relation to its distance to the artist. This can also be referred to as atmospheric perspective, which is still different from linear perspective. The idea/term for perspectives drawing wasn’t discovered or determined until the Renaissance period in the 1400’s. It wasn’t until Flippo Brunelleshi developed this method as an Italian architect. Years later, his friend actually wrote a full instruction on how to create linear perspective correctly. His method used accurate mathematics and measurements. Objects that are further away will appear smaller. Likewise, objects that are closer will appear larger.
One, two, and three-point perspectives all use a horizon line and vanishing points. A horizon line is where the ground meets the sky. Vanishing points are invisible points on the drawing that can be places anywhere above or below the horizon line to use as your guide when drawing the actual objects in space. All lines must lead back to that point in the drawing. Using a vanishing point in a one-point perspective above the horizon line will give the perception of looking upwards toward the object. While, having the vanishing point in a one-point perspective below the line will give the perception of looking down at the object.
Two-point perspectives involve using two vanishing points typically at opposite sides of the drawing and adds more complexity to the drawing. A corner street-view of is a good example on what two-point perspective could be useful for. Three-point perspective uses more than two vanishing points and can also be called multi-point. This perspective is more common with more complex subject matter. The setup for three-point perspective uses the standard two vanishing points on either side of the page, usually very spread out from each other. The third point is placed either up top or below the horizon line. Depending on the placement of the third vanishing point, it could create a birds-eye view (extreme downward-looking view) or an extreme upward-looking view (worm’s eye view). Looking up at a skyscraper to draw it is one way 3 point perspective could prove useful.