feedback post 11
1. After reading Chapter 14 of Argument Today, read Swift’s “A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)†and watch Colbert’s address to a congressional hearing on migrant labor found below. Many of the pieces that we’ve read deal with modern issues, use modern media, and engage with us as modern readers. Swift’s essay, however, is a historical example of how satire in form and content can use a proposal to attack the ideas that it appears to support. Your assignment, after reading the texts and viewing the video is to post a 300-400 word analysis of how Swift’s writing and Colbert’s presentation both employ the strategies from Chapter 14 of Argument Today. Are there any instances in each that are similar or that apply the ideas in sections 14.2-14.4 of the text? How are the tone and delivery of each piece similar? Clearly, both masters of satire are using proposal for very different ends than a serious discussion of how their country should address an issue.
Choose Any 2 from (A-C) to give feedback their post
Stephen Colbert Congressional Hearing – Extra Footage – Better Audio
A. Both Colbert and Swift cleverly employ satire to drive their proposals, but their tone and deliverance felt very different. When I read Swift’s proposal, it felt like it had a more serious tone. It only became clear that it was a parody when it used the extreme shock factor of selling kids as livestock. Colbert, on the other hand, used a witty and humorous approach that was more straightforward. Colbert clearly states his solution toward the end that the government should provide visas to migrant workers, while Swift’s actual solution is never really stated, but instead it was meant to make the readers reflect upon the policies and motivations that led to the terrible economic conditions.
Some similarities between the two would be how they both fought for the lower class, and how they both played on people’s morality by exposing the inhumane conditions that these people are living in, although using quite different approaches. They both expressed the opposite of what they felt during some points in their proposals to illustrate the absurdity of the situation, which sometimes felt sarcastic.
As for the structure of their proposals, they both clearly stated the problem from the beginning, which was the rough economic situations of the lower class. They both provided background information on the worsening economic conditions. Colbert talked about the benefits that both the U.S. and migrant farmers would enjoy as a result of his plan, while Swift discussed how his plan would solve money problems for the poor while providing the rich with more food. In both cases, they tried to show how it was a win-win for both sides. They both presented solutions to their problems and discussed possible futures. Overall the structure of the proposals was very similar, but the majority of Swift’s proposal wasn’t meant to be taken literally like Colbert’s; however, it still highlighted the very real concerns facing the Irish populace.
I like how these proposals catch the reader’s attention no matter which side of the debate they may be on. It’s fascinating how comedy and shock can sometimes add to an otherwise bland conversation, resulting in legitimate concerns being pushed into the spotlight.
B. In reviewing these articles it’s clear that both Dr. Jonathan Smith and Stephen Colbert are very passionate about their proposals. They both use extreme examples in their messages in order to send a very clear message to the viewer/reader. In both instances they are very quick to grab the audience’s attention in the idea they are selling.
Starting with Dr. Smith when he offers up an extreme view to sell newborn children as a delicacy. By doing so it would rid the streets of those that don’t stand a chance in the first place and will rid the streets of crime and overcrowding, while in turn increasing the income of everyone by paying the parents for their children, and create spending from the rich. He explains how they did it throughout history so, it’s not such a far-fetched idea.
Stephen Colbert had a very similar approach in his meeting with congress. He maintained a very serious but snarky approach to the idea of allowing immigrants to do American jobs. He used his signature Colbert style to openly mock the idea of how the government allows immigrants to be brought into the country to do jobs that no one wants to do, then turns around and focuses on the fact that the government wants them out of here. He goes on to discuss how we will openly allow an immigrant to have the right to work here, but make sure they have don’t rights why they are here.
In both instances they identify the topic they are looking to present right from the start, they state their purpose of their message, and offer background information on the stories they are telling in order to create more of a buy-in from the audience. Both Dr. Smith and Colbert utilized a persuasive style in their messages by using active sentences and creating a call to action in their stories, the use of metaphors and smiles with the very visual explanations they gave in order to immerse the reader/viewer into their stories as well.
Both Dr. Smith and Colbert were able to effectively present arguments that were the opposite of their belief on what they felt should be done . It was very interesting to see this approach used, and it be effective in the message being delivered.
C. I think that both Swift and Colbert really drive their proposals to their audience. They use examples that clearly get their points across. They also do a great job of grabbing their audience’s attention. Swift does so by discussing selling newborns to rid the chance of having those who could cause crime, or it could deal with the overcrowding problem. Swift came off with a more serious tone, while Colbert came off with more of a witty approach. He began by mocking the government. He was mocking how the government almost supports immigration, so they can do the jobs that Americans do not have a desire to do. He then goes into detail about how the government will also discuss their problems with immigration at the same time. Both came at this differently but still was able to grab and keep the attention of the reader/viewer.
One similarity that really stuck out to me, was how both presenters gave the opposing viewpoints. This helped to understand the presenter’s feelings more and show how crazy the opposing views or thoughts were. Another thing both of them did was state their topic immediately and clearly, they both also used persuasion the whole way through their writings/speech. Their topics were the same as well, which was the lower class. They also discussed the background of bad economic situations and how they are worsening. Both presenters also offered solutions to their problems in the writings/speech.
I enjoyed reading and watching these because I felt like they were great examples. These two showed the perfect structure of a proposal. It should how you should clearly state your idea and persuade throughout the delivery. It was also a great example of how to use opposing views to your advantage, and it showed how to use those opposing views to make your point stronger.
2. In our pre-writing assignments, we generally propose more than one idea but for this one you should focus on one idea. Review the attached assignment for the essay before proceeding to make sure that your idea fits the criteria. Also, keep in mind that you will be required to find at least THREE SOURCES to support your argument. The source requirement should inform your decision of topic, but doesn’t necessarily rule out an option. Depending on the issue that you are seeking to address, you should be able to find supporting documents to cite. If you are addressing the proposal to members of your workplace, you may need to use trade journals. If you are proposing something to a larger group (i.e. church community, non-profit organization, government office) you will be able to pull on many different types of articles to support your proposal.
Your proposal for…well…your proposal essay should be clear about the issue that you are addressing, to whom you are addressing the issue, the steps that your proposal will take to address the problem, and who is responsible for following through on the proposal. This should be approximately 200-300 words and may be listed.
Choose Any 2 from (A-C) to give feedback their post
A. Audience: Wilmington University and Instructure
The Problem: Online courses taught by Wilmington are engaging, but can sometimes feel bland or uncomfortable.
The Proposal: WilmU and Instructure should work together to expand on Canvas features and partner with 3rd party content creators to create a more interactive and content-rich online experience for students.
The Plan: There are 4 steps involved in my plan to dramatically improve the online experience at Wilmington University:
- Video-based learning – WilmU should partner with video-based learning websites, like Udemy and Lynda, to provide a more interactive and content-rich online learning experience for students. This would be a tool for instructors to look through the vast amount of quality video libraries to select the content that corresponds with their own course materials. It would provide students with a more lively content-rich online classroom experience, and it could assist instructors with explaining specific aspects of their courses. An integrated video player for Canvas would also be a nice touch.
- Canvas Personalization – WilmU could work with Instructure (Canvas) to provide students with more customization options, such as themes and fonts. This would not only help students feel more comfortable but could assist with eye strain by making fonts larger or backgrounds darker.
- Built-in Instant Messenger Chat – Lots of students use social media and are already very familiar with some sort of chat feature, or they use instant messengers in the workplace. Collaboration between students would improve if an interactive chat feature was implemented that’s easily accessible in the bottom-right corner of Canvas. Canvas does have a chat feature technically, but it isn’t friendly and is rarely used since its nearly hidden. Zoom is already partially integrated with Canvas for meetings, so it may not be difficult for Canvas to integrate the Zoom messenger.
- Panels – Canvas should include the option for customizable panels. This could include preset layouts and should allow students to customize them. For instance, students may find it useful to have the class discussion thread as a type of news feed panel. Some students may also use much higher resolutions which allow them to fit more panels.
The Benefits: This is a win-win for everyone involved. Instructors will be able to provide their students with a more interactive online classroom experience. Students will feel more comfortable and have more content to learn from. Third-party video-tutorial websites will receive more exposure and make a higher profit. Wilmington University may see an increase in student interest in online courses and may see an increase in enrollment.
The Costs: WilmU would need to negotiate contracts with the third-party vendors providing the video services. Costs related to these contracts may be avoidable if there is a benefit that the University could provide them, such as free advertising or content sharing.
WilmU may incur some costs for requesting the expansion of Canvas features, but these costs may also be offset by the increase of enrollment for online classes.
I did a few CSS edits mixed with some photoshop editing to provide an example of my vision for Canvas 2.0 (attached). I got a bit carried away…
B. Audience: Schools, Parents and Children
The Problem: How can parents, kids and teachers work together to help control bullying?
The Proposal: Controlling bullying doesn’t have to be such a difficult task. Getting the schools, parents and children involved to help control bullying can be very effective.
The Plan: These are three steps can help to make for a bully free environment.
- Teachers can help by incorporating the topic of bullying prevention in lessons, activities, and performances. If children can see how bullying can affect their peers, it can help them to understand it better. By adding lessons and activities that teach children better ways to treat peers it could expand the child’s mind and teach them how to better talk to others. By having children participate in plays that involve bulling it can show the emotional side of bullying.
- Parents can help by learning the signs of bullying. If a parent can learn to see the signs, they can help to stop it quicker. Also, if parents talked to their kids about ways to prevent bullying from happening, or further happening, it could help to make the child feel as though they were involved in taking a stand.
- Kids can help by treating all peers as though they are all apart of the same journey and team. If kids learn to help those around them and to treat others with the same respect as they would like they could help to take a stand in bullying.
Benefits: Getting everyone involved in something as big as bullying it can help to control it. Bulling may never be fully controlled but if everyone stands together it can make a difference.
Three Sources:
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
C. Audience: Parents and children of all ages
Concern: Children being bullied by their peer group during and outside of school
Proposal: Raising awareness in Cyber Bullying with children as well as their family, and friends in order to reduce if not eliminate the impact on victims.
Plan moving ahead: Utilize resources available within schools and on the internet. Making sure to be an involved parent and have a clear and open line of communication between children and their friends on the signs of bullying.
- Awareness– Making sure children, family, and friends are familiar with the signs of Cyber Bullying. Having meetings with family and friends in order to discuss the potential signs of one being bullied, and what it may look like if one is being the bully. This is a two-sided argument, not everyone is a victim, some could also be part of the problem. Never rule out a child because they are one of your own, they may be the bully.
- School participation– Contact resources at your schools in order to make sure there is a policy or agenda in place to discuss the unacceptable behavior, and what steps a child should take in the event they are experiencing this personally or are bystanders to the act .
- Monitor Internet Usage– Having an idea of what kids are doing online should not be a way to invade their privacy, children deserve to be children, however making sure they are safe while doing it starts with education of the risks associated with being online. Monitoring the usage gives one the opportunity to know what to watch out for.
- Open communication– Having a strong open line of communication with a child allows trust to be built. When communication on the severe impact of bullying is discussed with a child, it opens communication and can make a positive difference to help stop the behavior going forward.
Everyone is responsible for making a difference. Bullying causes long term effects and can have a large impact on the development, mental health, and confidence in an individual.
Resources- (Links to an external site.)