content in context quiz
Based on uploaded context and own accounting working experience, answer following questions:
1. What Is The Link Between Perception And Decision Making? Why Are Perception And Decision Making Important In The Context Of Organizational Behavior?
2. What Are The Major Ways That Jobs Can Be Redesigned? Why Does Job Redesign Matter In The Context Of Organizational Behavior?
3. What Are Some Early Theories Of Motivation? Why Is Motivation Important In The Context Of Organizational Behavior?
4. How Do Role Requirements Change In Different Situations? Why Are Role Requirements Important In The Context Of Organizational Behavior?
5. Why Do Organizations Focus More On Creating Teams Instead Of Groups? Why Are Creating Teams Important In The Context Of Organizational Behavior?
6. Recalling the HBR Article Why Teams Don’t Work, Is The Article Reflective Of Your Co-Op Experience? If Yes, How So? What Are The Major Takeaways From The Article? How Would You Apply The Learning From The Article To Your Most Recent Co-Op?