
1. Define the following terms:

a. Cellular respiration (aerobic respiration) (2 points)

b. Fermentation (anaerobic respiration) (2 points)

2. Summarize what occurs during the three steps of cellular respiration and indicate where

each process takes place in the cell. (6 points)

a. Glycolysis

b. Krebs cycle

c. Oxidative phosphorylation

3. What is the primary energy molecule in cells? (5 points)

4. List the equation in word and chemical form for each of the following processes: (6 points)

a. Cellular respiration

b. Alcoholic fermentation

c. Lactic acid fermentation

5. Does glycolysis require the presence of oxygen? Please explain your answer. (5 points)

Reevviieew tthee rreessullttss ffrrom tthee Raattee off Ceellllullaarr Reesspiirraattiion aand EExxeerrcciissee prrocceedurree

off tthee llaab ((Paarrtt II)) tto aanssweerr tthee ffollllowiingg queessttiionss..

6. Why was phenol red used as an indicator of cellular respiration? (5 points)

7. How did exercise affect the rate of cellular respiration? (Hiintt:: Review the time it took for the

solution to change with and without exercise). (5 points)

Reevviieew tthee rreessullttss ffrrom tthee Ceellllullaarr Reesspiirraattiion iin Peeaass prrocceedurree off tthee llaab

((Paarrtt IIII)) tto aanssweerr tthee ffollllowiingg queessttiionss..

8. What color was the phenol red solution for each tube after 4 hours elapsed? (8 points)

a. Control

b. Dried peas

c. Germinating peas

d. Boiled peas

9. Compare cellular respiration in the dried, germinating, and boiled peas. Explain why some

peas in the experiment produced carbon dioxide (CO2) while other peas did not. (5 points)

10. What is the advantage of cellular respiration? (5 points)

Reevviieew tthee rreessullttss ffrrom tthee FFeerrmeenttaattiion prrocceedurree off tthee llaab ((Paarrtt IIIIII)) tto

aanssweerr tthee ffollllowiingg queessttiionss..


a. The balloons were sealed in this procedure. What is the name for the energy

conversion process that occurs in the absence of oxygen? (2 points)

b. What is the advantage of this process? (2 points)

c. What type of gas is produced by yeast under anaerobic conditions? (2 points)

12. What was the final volume of each balloon after 120 minutes? (6 points)







13. Based on the results, what was the best source of energy (e.g., food) for the yeast? (3 points)

14. Based on the results, what was the worst source of energy (e.g., food) for the yeast? (3


15. What factors (ingredients) negatively affected the growth of yeast? (3 points)

16. What is the name for the type of fermentation that yeast use? (3 points)

17. List two commercial uses of fermentation. (2 points)



18. ((Applliiccaattiion)) How might the information gained from this lab pertaining to cellular

respiration and fermentation be useful to you in your everyday life or to a healthcare

professional? (20 points)

Key components of critical thinking and application include the following:

1. Demonstrates application and comprehension of the scientific principles.

2. Displays competence in applying scientific knowledge to your personal or professional


3. Relevant content is supported by facts, data, and detailed examples.

4. The application paragraph is organized and structured.

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