Assignment due to day, essay must be from 2-4 pages talking about maxican earthquake


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Assignment due to day, essay must be from 2-4 pages talking about maxican earthquake


Assignment Description: A short 2-4 page reaction paper, with a reference page, is due regarding an issue related to this area. This can be a legal case, event in the news, policy, etc. 1. Please clear the topic with me prior to writing the paper (NOT at the last minute, and in writing). 2. The paper should include your experiences, thoughts, and an analysis of the item makingassociations/citations with the text. 3. The Current Event should include a section regarding how the field can be applied to improve the situation. The due date is on this syllabus.

Grading: 60 points total

1.Did you clear the topic with the professor prior to writing the paper?

2.Did the paper include your experiences, and thoughts?

3. Did the paper include suggestionsfrom you for improvements to the current event?

4.Did the paper make strong associations with the text (or other empirical sources)

5.Was the paper written in microsoft word, grammatically correct, and spelling checked? (format)

6.Was the paper on time?

The Following scale is applied to each section, 1-6 above. Each section has a score of 10 points

1. Clearing Topic(10 points)

•0 points: Failure to comply: student did not clear the topic with the professor prior to writing/submitting the paper.

•10 points: Student submitted paper after getting prior approval of topic.

2. Did the paper include your experiences and thoughts? (10 points)

•None of either=0 points

•Included experiences but not thoughts=5 points

•Included both experiences and thoughts=10 points

3. Did the paper include suggestions from you for improvements to the current event situation?

• None =0

• Some=5

• Several and ideas about how to apply=10

4. Associations (10 points)

•0 points=failure to comply: student did not mention text nor outside empirical sources

•5 points=student made statements that were backed up by text or outside empirical readings

•10 points student made statements that were backed up by text and outside empirical readings

5. Format (10 points)

•0 points=paper was poorly written with many grammatical errors, misspellings, and in a format other than microsoft word

•6.5 points=paper was poorly written in microsoft word, but had either several grammatical errors and spelling issues

•7.5 points=paper was average, written in microsoft word, but had either grammatical errors or spelling issues

•8.5 points=paper was above average, written in microsoft word and may have had minor/few grammatical errors or spelling issues

•10points=paper was well written, written in microsoft word, had no grammatical errors or spelling issues

6. Due Date and Submission: (10 points)

Was your project handed in prior to or at the due date/on time

04 68 10 2 bonus points

not handed in 3 calendar days late 2 days late 1 days late on time early

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