
Is it necessary or unneccessary for the United States to use torture. 4-6 page, thesis driven essay, arguing your position.

  • Does allowing torture take away human rights?
  • What is torture?
  • What is the ticking time bomb scenario?


  • 5-6 pages, double spaced, 12pt font in Times New Roman and 1” margins
  • Cite at least two theorists from the book
  • Cite at least two source from scholarly cites (such as opposing viewpoints)
  • MLA Format, including a “work cited” page

Cite at least one source from a news article (must be a present article and topic)

What I want:

  • Torture is unncessacary
  • Some reasons: Torture is an outdated method, religious reasons, a country’s reputation, etc.
  • Paper is based on the articles on pages 1-122.
  • Important quotes from the articles are below.
  • Definition on torture as the professor defines: intentionally causing physical mental emotional and psychological pain turn unwillingfull person in order to gain information.

5-6 page, thesis driven essay, arguing your position.

Things to consider:

  • What is torture?
  • What is the ticking time bomb scenario?

Quotes recommended by the professor, from the articles, will be attached.

Articles are also attached.

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